Sunday, December 29, 2013

Marketing and Novel(s)

My daughter and I have declared this year the year of marketing and novels.  She has this tendency to write and not let people know; I have a tendency not to write and let people know, hence the good intentions for this year.

First, marketing.

I have been busy writing albeit not here in my blog.  If you'd like to read my fortnightly columns in the local paper (Caithness Courier), go here

and search on Sharon Pottinger. My husband also writes for the paper.

With the help of my wonderful writer's group--Caithness Writers, I managed to become published with 2 short stories in our anthology, available as an ebook from Amazon.  Even if you don't like crime fiction, I think you can find a story or two in here to enjoy--and if you have been to Caithness, you'll love the references only insiders will understand fully.

Secondly, the novel. I'm working on it. Honest.

Tomorrow I'll tell you about my daughter's novel and her 2 novellas (a third is in the wings)--see what I mean about more productive!


Anthology of Caithness Crime Stories


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