Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Treasures from the top of the hill and down the road.
The best treasures are the things you find when you are not looking. I was walking up the hill trying not to notice the slight heaviness that might be the beginning of an ache when I noticed my friend at the top of the hill outside with her granddaughter in a pram. So I walked down her road and then we were into the house, a cuppa, playing with her granddaughter and then back down the road with a bag full of books "for the reading". What a treasure. I'll write more about the books as I get into them. Needless to say with that treasure trove I did not think about my legs.
And a rhubarb bouquet the other day and today a couple stalks of rhubarb from a bit further down the road. I remember when rhubarb used to remind me of my grandmother and eating it was a once a year or so treat with a slice of rhubarb and strawberry pie from the Kosher deli on the south side of Indy.
I still eat singing to myself (usually) a little of the chorus from Prairie Home companion --"Be bop a roo bop, rhubarb pie," and I believe wholeheartedly that it "gives shy people the strength to carry on."


At 2:46 PM, Blogger The Curmudgeon said...

I've gotten into lots of rhubarbs in my time, but never for eating.

At 2:49 PM, Blogger Amy said...

Cur, LOL!

At 9:23 AM, Blogger landgirl said...

Cur, I can imagine you in some good rhubarbs.


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