Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Always Beautiful Not Always Easy

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It is beautiful here today. Luscious yellow flowers atop a rich green crop out one window, the ever changing Greenland Moss in front of me, and the sun viewed through the fringe of the willow trees is turning the horizon a purply grey red pink as she comes onstage. None of which bears any resemblance to the photo above.

I took that photo while scrambling around on a rocky foreshore near the Gills Bay ferry. I was there not only because I like scrabbling around on rocky beaches but also because I was waiting for the flyover of a little airplane to commemorate the anniversary of the first air mail flight to this part of the world. Fresson was a pioneer aviator and his son was putting together several events to try to get people to remember that effort and his father's accomplishment.

The airplane is going to fly over this spot in deference to another pioneer whose house is nearby. In a while we'll get on the ferry and go to some of the events commemorating this--a reception with conversations and a book signing and opening of a special exhibit in the local museum. My husband is there because when he was a school boy he flew on the airplane.

When I took the photo of the bones and the rocks and the sea weed in what is, to me, a pleasing yin yang rhythm, I thought "always beautiful but not always easy". The phrase fits not only the photo or the beach but also the larger context and the reason that for all its beauty there are comparatively few people here. Although it would be hard to have a drinks reception on the shingly beach and not many people would find the photo attractive, nonetheless I think it is a fitting tribute to the spirit of those like Fresson who made their lives here.


At 3:22 PM, Blogger The Curmudgeon said...

Catching up on your last few essays because of a work-necessitated absence: I have nothing particularly valuable (or helpful) to add except that I read and appreciated them.

At 5:00 PM, Blogger landgirl said...

Cur, welcome. I'm glad you're here and reading and liking it. Thanks. Glad also to hear you have work--paying the bills is good!


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