Thursday, June 04, 2009

Learning about Photos

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The easy way is not always the best way. I should know that by now. Not to mention feeling chuffed about technology. That was hubris and I was punished for it. When a friend asked for photos from the walk I sent them off thinking I was clever only to discover that the easy way with photos that I had been using broke them up into so few pixels that it was like getting only half a science officer through the transporter beam--and we all know what that leads to.

So I'll go back to the drawing board with my camera and apply what I learned from him to my next batch of photos. In the meantime, my northern marsh orchid can strut her pixels online.


At 2:23 PM, Anonymous ampiggy said...

I always want to think technology makes things easier, so it should be simple. One shouldn't have to choose which setting to use when shooting a photo, or whether to compress them, or how, when emailing or uploading. But, alas, one does have to choose! AAAAAAAARGH! Why can't the !@#$!#@$!#@ camera or computer read my mind?

At 3:32 PM, Blogger The Curmudgeon said...

Some day science will figure out why the little tiny hole that I squinted through with a film camera was easier for me than the one or two inch square on the new digital cameras that I can't see at all.

I know part of it is that my eyes have changed... but a lot of it has to be the glare.

At 4:08 PM, Blogger Hayden said...

Lovely photo... the flower behind stands so quietly muted, then my vision shifted and she became the star of the picture.

At 4:42 PM, Blogger Ruan Peat said...

The flower looks wonderful, I only know I don't know all I should about any technology, but my father always used to say that the day you stopped learning something new was the day you died. I find myself agreeing more the older I get, and love to find something new to get my head round.

At 9:47 AM, Blogger landgirl said...

Hee hee--well technology like any handmaiden-- what was the name of the sprite in the Tempest?--easy comes with a price. Very Greek tragedy kind of thinking, isn't it that we have to pay a price for our limitations? Maybe I'm just grumpy cuz it's cold up here todfay after a few sunny days.

At 9:48 AM, Blogger landgirl said...

Oh, Cur, I am glad you said that thing about eyes. I am trying to devise a simple camera case that can also be a shade for that pesky view finder. It took me several times to break the habit of putting the camera up to my eye--how embarrassing that was!

At 9:50 AM, Blogger landgirl said...

Oh, Hayden that is an interesting take on the photo. The orchid, even as tiny as it is, does steal the show, but the primrose in the background is a queen in her own right. Just now the braes are full of both orchids and primroses. Nive time for walking.

At 9:50 AM, Blogger landgirl said...

Oh, Ruan, I have a lot to learn about everything not just digital cameras. Louise found a bok on Irish crochet for me. It is brilliant. I'll try to remember to bring it to SNB next week.


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