Thursday, December 09, 2010

It's Melting

The snow is melting, but the sky is a tell tale grey--something is coming. More snow? freezing fog--yes, there is such a thing, or sleet or frozen rain or something in between? Edinburgh called on the army to help them dig out. Up here, farm vehicles went to work on side roads and farm roads. If you are a regular blog reader, you have heard about single track roads--those roads just wide enough for one car, which have the occasional laybys when one car meets another. So imagine those roads cleared--except for the laybys.

I had an email from a friend in Edinburgh this morning. I learned many things from her, especially a reminder of the virtues in poetry, so here's the poem I shared with her, picked pretty much at random from my battered copy of The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson

I dwell in Possibility--
A fairer House than Prose--
More Numerous of Windows--
Superior--for Doors--
Of Chambers as the Cedars--
Impregnable of Eye--
And for an Everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky--
Of Visitors -- the fairest--
For Occupation--This--
The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise


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