Whins and Beach Watching
The best part of the whins in wild bloom like this is the lovely fragrance. From such a showy flower, you might expect an overpowering scent. Instead the fragrance is a soft-buttey coconut chardonnay that invites you to come closer for a deep smell. Do so very cautiously because the stems are full of prickly thorns.
The beach at Betty Hill is a long flat swath of sand that makes fascinating patterns as the tide comes in and out. Sunday the sun was warm but there was a slight breeze. I had coffee from the dining room of the hotel overlooking this piece and was intrigued by the giant S shape created by the two pools of water. The waves on the larger pool echoed the S pattern of the two watery bits. I watched with all the simple joy of a child until it was time to drive the rest of the way home.
Lovely. It's in those simple things that I take the most pleasure.
I remember with great pleasure our walk at Betty Hill Beach. It was a beautiful day.
How gorgeous is that????
I envy you, but it doesn't seem that you take for granted the beautiful country you now call home.
:) Terri
It's the forsythia I wait for... the forsythia closely followed by the lilacs. When we have lilacs (in early May in our part of Chicago) I know it's nearly Oldest Son's birthday.
He doesn't much care about the coincidence.
I hope never to take this place for granted and yup the simple things are the best.
oh, yes, forsythia! I had one right by the side of my driveway so I saw it morning and evening even if I saw nothing else in my yard.
I thin k in time your son will like the association between his birthday and lilacs. He may say it to a girlfriend who thinks it shows his sensitive side. That's my prohoecy at any rate!
Cur, when grown, children often remember and mention things their parents said, that they once thot silly. I hope your son does that.
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